Respect human rights, in actions not just words

ArcelorMittal has a documented history of failing to protect workers and communities, with land grabs, ecosystem destruction, loss of livelihoods, and serious health problems, around its mines and steel plants in Mexico, Brazil, Liberia, and South Africa. It has been silent on the disappearance of environmental defenders around its mine in Mexico.

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ArcelorMittal: We’re calling on you to:

Assert zero tolerance towards any form of attack on communities and defenders who are speaking out about negative impacts of your plants and mines and protect their human rights. Don’t stay silent. Speak out for their safety;
Review your human rights policy to assess whether it is effective in practice; engage with communities and the Fair Steel coalition to fix problems; implement and publicly report on actions taken;
Revise your human rights processes to ensure they apply equally and operate effectively in all ​​subsidiaries, joint ventures, joint operations and associates;
Assess and address harms that may be indirectly associated with, or benefiting, your business even if not directly caused by you. Ensure that you have got Indigenous People’s unequivocal free prior and informed consent for all matters that directly or indirectly impact them;
Effectively create a safe space for communities and defenders, take into account their views and allow unimpaired access to your sites to independent investigators, including journalists and NGOs, whenever necessary.

ArcelorMittal, we're calling on you to:

Respect human rights, in actions not just wordsRespect human rights, in actions not just words   Respect human rights, in actions not just words   Respect human rights, in actions not just words   Respect human rights, in actions not just words   Respect human rights, in actions not just words  

Invest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholdersInvest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholders   Invest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholders   Invest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholders   Invest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholders   Invest in future proofing your company, not enriching shareholders  

No more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparentNo more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparent   No more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparent   No more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparent   No more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparent   No more dirty tricks: be accountable and transparent  

Put workers, communities, and our environment firstPut workers, communities, and our environment first   Put workers, communities, and our environment first   Put workers, communities, and our environment first   Put workers, communities, and our environment first   Put workers, communities, and our environment first  

Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion   Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion   Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion   Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion   Stop making empty promises and be a real climate champion  


The steel industry is a significant contributor to environmental degradation and social inequities, but is rarely in the spotlight. This comprehensive report scrutinizes the environmental and human rights impacts of steel production, focusing on the operations of two multinationals: ArcelorMittal and Ternium.

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